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AI Programmer jobs in Dallas

AI Programmer

AI Programmer An AI programmer develops the logic of time to simulate intelligence in enemies and opponents. An AI programmer may program pathfinding, strategy and enemy tactic systems. The AI (artificial intelligence) programmer gives the game a brain, constructing a set of parameters by which the characters not controlled by the player operate and make decisions—a system of action and reaction. The AI programmer creates code and algorithms for pathfinding, group movement and cooperation, tactical strategy, and camera control. They set patterns and parameters for state mechanics (rules) and establishes how an agent thinks and solves problems, creating a framework for artificial emotions and ideas.


Dallas, Texas, United States of America Dallas is a city in the US state of Texas. The city's population ranks ninth in the US and third in Texas after Houston and San Antonio. The city's prominence arose from its historical importance as a center for the oil and cotton industries, and its position along numerous railroad lines. The economy of Dallas is considered diverse, with dominant sectors including defense, financial services, information technology, telecommunications and transportation. The city has a population from a myriad of ethnic and religious backgrounds and is recognized for having the sixth largest LGBT population in the United States.

AI Programmer jobs in Dallas