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Localisation Producer jobs in Brighton

Localisation Producer

Localisation Producer The localisation producer is responsible for supervising all aspects of localisation and release of a game, to include overseeing voice dubbing for alternate languages, adherence to government-mandated rating systems, software and hardware compatibility, and marketing. They will collaborate with game developers in the studio, as well as with the local publisher in the designated country for release.


Brighton, UK Brighton is a seaside resort on the south coast of England which is part of the city of Brighton and Hove, East Sussex. It is ranked the 42nd most populous district in England, with around 289,200 residents. Brighton's location has made it a popular destination for tourists, renowned for its diverse communities, quirky shopping areas, large cultural, music and arts scene and its large LGBT population, leading to its recognition as the "unofficial gay capital of the UK" Brighton is a growing video games hub in the UK and is home to the annual Develop Conference, which seems thousands of video game industry experts descend into the town each July.

Localisation Producer jobs in Brighton