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Game Producer jobs in Bristol

Game Producer

Game Producer In game development, the producer of a game is responsible for ensuring that the product is delivered on time, on budget, and with as few headaches as possible. The producer’s job is focused on five main areas: facilitating communication, planning development procedures, establishing schedule milestones, monitoring the budget, and supervising staff. Dozens, sometimes hundreds of people work simultaneously on separate tasks that, when combined, become a finished video game. The producer is there, in part, to ensure that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing.


Bristol, United Kingdom Bristol is a city and county in South West England. Bristol's modern economy is built on the creative media, electronics and aerospace industries, and the city-centre docks have been redeveloped as centres of heritage and culture.

Game Producer jobs in Bristol

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  • Associate Technical Director

    Bristol, United KingdomNo salary specifiedAuroch Digital Programming

    Auroch Digital is a Bristol-based videogame developer with a passion for making games that relate to and deal with real-world issues. We work on original titles, partnerships, and work-for-hire projects - specialising in strategy, retro, po...

    Posted - 02 May 2024